Here is a list of good commands that I use frequently when working with an EMC SAN, in particular, a Celerra or VNX series. Enjoy!
Summary: Gets the disk information, state and other metrics. Note: that 1_1_14 is Bus 1 Enclosure 1 Disk 14.
[root@localhost bin]# ./naviseccli -h <IP/Hostname SPA> getdisk 1_1_14
Bus 1 Enclosure 1 Disk 14 Vendor Id: SEAGATE Product Id: ST320004CLAR2000 Product Revision: BS17 Lun: 8181 Type: 8181: Hot Spare State: Rebuilding Hot Spare: 8181: YES Hot Spare Replacing: 1_1_14 Prct Rebuilt: 8181: 100 Prct Bound: 8181: 100 Serial Number: xxxxxxx Sectors: 3845330944 (1877603) Capacity: 1878379 Private: 8183: 65536 Bind Signature: 0x1ef073b, 1, 14 Hard Read Errors: 0 Hard Write Errors: 0 Soft Read Errors: 0 Soft Write Errors: 0 Read Retries: N/A Write Retries: N/A Remapped Sectors: N/A Number of Reads: 410 Number of Writes: 12 Number of Luns: 1 Raid Group ID: 202 Clariion Part Number: DG11800000 Request Service Time: N/A Read Requests: 410 Write Requests: 12 Kbytes Read: 394 Kbytes Written: 229 Stripe Boundary Crossing: 0 Drive Type: NL SAS Clariion TLA Part Number:005049277PWR User Capacity: 1833.596680 Idle Ticks: 12810489 Busy Ticks: 5 Current Speed: 6Gbps Maximum Speed: 6Gbps
Summary: Get all LUNs that are trespassed (not on the default service processor).
[root@localhost bin]# ./naviseccli-h <IP/Hostname SPA> storagepool -user sysadmin -password <password> -scope 0 getlun -trespass
LOGICAL UNIT NUMBER 100 Default Owner: SP A Current owner: SP B LOGICAL UNIT NUMBER 101 Default Owner: SP A Current owner: SP B LOGICAL UNIT NUMBER 102 Default Owner: SP A Current owner: SP B LOGICAL UNIT NUMBER 103 Default Owner: SP A Current owner: SP B LOGICAL UNIT NUMBER 104 Default Owner: SP A Current owner: SP B LOGICAL UNIT NUMBER 105 Default Owner: SP A Current owner: SP B LOGICAL UNIT NUMBER 106 Default Owner: SP A Current owner: SP B LOGICAL UNIT NUMBER 107 Default Owner: SP A Current owner: SP B LOGICAL UNIT NUMBER 200 Default Owner: SP A Current owner: SP B
Summary: Takes back the default SP owner for each service processor.
[root@localhost bin]# ./naviseccli-h <IP/Hostname SPA> -user sysadmin -password <password> -scope 0 trespass mine [root@localhost bin]# ./naviseccli-h <IP/Hostname SPB> -user sysadmin -password <password> -scope 0 trespass mine
Summary: Get how much of the cache of each service processor is currently being used.
[root@localhost bin]# ./naviseccli -h <IP/Hostname SPA> getcache -pdp [root@localhost bin]# ./naviseccli -h <IP/Hostname SPB> getcache -pdp
Summary: Lists your storage pools.
[root@localhost bin]# ./naviseccli -h <IP/Hostname SPA> storagepool -list
Pool Name: Pool 5 Pool ID: 5 Raid Type: r_6 Percent Full Threshold: 70 Description: Disk Type: NL SAS State: Faulted Status: OK(0x0) Current Operation: None Current Operation State: N/A Current Operation Status: N/A Current Operation Percent Completed: 0 Raw Capacity (Blocks): 30775368208 Raw Capacity (GBs): 14674.839 User Capacity (Blocks): 23054893056 User Capacity (GBs): 10993.430 Consumed Capacity (Blocks): 22105128960 Consumed Capacity (GBs): 10540.547 Available Capacity (Blocks): 949764096 Available Capacity (GBs): 452.883 Percent Full: 95.880 Total Subscribed Capacity (Blocks): 22063104000 Total Subscribed Capacity (GBs): 10520.508 Percent Subscribed: 95.698 Oversubscribed by (Blocks): 0 Oversubscribed by (GBs): 0.000 Disks: Bus 1 Enclosure 1 Disk 4 Bus 1 Enclosure 1 Disk 6 Bus 1 Enclosure 1 Disk 1 Bus 1 Enclosure 1 Disk 3 Bus 1 Enclosure 1 Disk 5 Bus 1 Enclosure 1 Disk 7 Bus 1 Enclosure 1 Disk 0 Bus 1 Enclosure 1 Disk 2 LUNs: 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106
If you receive the following error, “Security file not found. Already removed or check -secfilepath option.” Issue to following commands to allow security to issue commands remotely.
[root@localhost bin]# ./naviseccli -User sysadmin -Password <password> -Scope 0 -h <IP/Hostname SPA> -AddUserSecurity [root@localhost bin]# ./naviseccli -User sysadmin -Password <password> -Scope 0 -h <IP/Hostname SPB> -AddUserSecurity